US Army Camp Mackall Obstacle Course Inspection

Special Forces Command, US Army | Camp Mackall, NC


Since 2016, Atlas Engineering holds an annual contract to conduct a structural inspection of the Nasty Nick Obstacle Course, a specialized training facility utilized by the US Army’s JFK Special Warfare training school in Camp Mackall, NC. The obstacle course is over a mile long and incorporates 26 different obstacles spread out along the path. Each obstacle is different, but most consist of timber construction with various training props and ancillary attachments and foundations. Atlas is retained by the facility management division on Camp Mackall to inspect each obstacle annually for structural and/or safety deficiencies. Inspections include the timber members, foundations, fasteners, attachments, and cable-stays. Atlas then provides a deficiency report with observations, photographs, and recommendations that prioritizes the facility’s operations and maintenance budget to ensure that entire obstacle course is fully operational and safe for those that utilize it.